London based shooting producer/director, photographer, presenter and DJ

So How did I Get Here? Podcast

The home of my interview based podcast series that sees me sit down with incredible people from a whole host of professions to chat about their life and career to date and any and anything that takes our interest along the way!

Ep 7 - Cathrin Machin talks deep space, nervous breakdowns and following your dreams

Cathrin Machin is an epic human being. Self confessed scotch lover, hardstyle DJ and oh yeah, Australia’s highest crowd-funded artist of all time. Just a glance at her awe-inspiring paintings of the universe will send you into full existential contemplation and her pieces now hang around the World in the homes and offices of prolific scientists, science communicators, and chief officers from top fortune 500 companies.

In our wide ranging chat, we connect the dots of Cathrin’s life that have led to her creating the inspiring work she does today. From her childhood spent playing video games with her older brother, to a decade long career at the top of the game design industry that led to a nervous breakdown, and a Perusian iowaska trip that changed her life’s purpose entirely. 

She’s got stories for days… Like that time when she wanted to crowdfund $4,000 for an exhibition with friends and instead raised $70,000, or when she made a colossal painting for Space X to get her brother a tour of the factory!

Cathrin also shares her wisdom on crowdfunding and how she eventually broke through her own limiting beliefs in order to make what was a therapeutic weekend pursuit into a life mission and new career.

We cover so much in this interview and Cathrin’s energy and outlook left me absolutely jazzed, so I hope you enjoy it too! If you find it of value please share with a friend and don’t forget to rate and review on Apple Podcasts. 

Make sure you check out Cathrin’s website and instagram to marvel at her incredible work,

or better yet, get involved with her next Kickstarter project here.

Thanks for listening