London based shooting producer/director, photographer, presenter and DJ

So How did I Get Here? Podcast

The home of my interview based podcast series that sees me sit down with incredible people from a whole host of professions to chat about their life and career to date and any and anything that takes our interest along the way!

Ep 9 - Flex Mami talks self-confidence, personal development and manifestation

This week I was joined by Lillian Ahenkan AKA Flex - one hell of a busy millennial bee whose list of skills is longer than the Lord of the Rings movies. She seems to be expanding into new industries and roles each week, so as of the time of writing, I can say she’s an International DJ, TV/video Presenter, Social Media Influencer, Podcaster, Model, Professional Opinion Haver and Author.

I had a great time chatting to Flex about her life journey to date; from fashion student drop out to multi-disciplinary media mogul; and we discuss at length the events and influences that have instilled the incredible ethos she emanates today.

There’s so many pearls of wisdom ready to resonate with you in this one so make sure you’ve got a notepad on hand and be sure to share the podcast with a friend.

You can keep up with all things Flex on her website

Thanks for listening!

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